time2learn training planner




time2learn is a web based training planner for different professions (professions list available in German and French). It allows access to the required information from any computer with Internet access. With this tool, learners and their mentors are able to maintain an overview of their current personal learning status at all times.


Please send any questions or suggestions regarding time2learn via e-mail to support.yt@time2learn.com

Support in general

Our support can be reached by phone at 044 543 26 26.
The hotline is available Monday to Friday, 8:30 am - 12:00 noon.

  • Support documents and FAQs in German are available here.
  • Support documents and FAQs in French are available here.


ARTISET: time2learn@artiset.ch
kibesuisse: time2learn@kibesuisse.ch


Swiss Learning Hub AG, Rosengartenstrasse 4, 8608 Bubikon


Technical specifications

General pre-requisites

For security reasons, your browser has to support at least 128-bit encryption, JavaScript and cookies.

Supported browsers:

  • Latest versions of Microsoft Edge, Firefox, Chrome, Safari, Samsung Internet

Supported platforms:

  • Latest MS Windows versions
  • Latest macOS, iOS Versions
  • Latest Android Versions

Required browser add-ons

To use all features of time2learn, the following add-ons must be installed on your computer:

  • Adobe Reader; we recommend working with the latest version (free download)

Playing learning objects

A part of the available learning objects base on newest browser versions or plug-ins from third party providers. If you have difficulties playing learning objects, please update to the latest version of your browser.

> Contents


General instructions for use

Registration with time2learn (login)

To log in to time2learn, enter the username and password you received by email. Please note that the login is case-sensitive.

After your initial login to time2learn, we advise you to change your password immediately and if desired also your username ("My Cockpit" / "My profile" menu). The username must be unique. You can, for example, use your email address as username.

User manual

Detailed user manuals and videos are available in German and French

Data protection

The most important points concerning data processing and data protection at Swiss Learning Hub AG can be found at Merkblatt zum Datenschutz

Further information

More information about time2learn and its functions can be found at our website www.time2learn.ch

> Contents